"One-to-one" vs. "one-on-one" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange You may use one-to-one when you can identify a source and a destination. For eg., a one-to-one email is one sent from a single person to another, i.e., no ccs or bccs. In maths, a one-to-one mapping maps one element of a set to a unique element in a target set. One-on-one is the correct adjective ...
grammar - When is "more than one" singular or plural? - English ... A tiny change to the expression more than one changes the agreement on the verb. (10) More than one of the scientists working on a HIV-cure believe in a prompt breakthrough. The Word spell-checker claims that one needs a singular verb in (10). The spell-checker is wrong. When more than one is ...
List of expertise levels from beginner to expert [closed] Try to stick to words whereby the context of the list makes it immediately clear that the word is an adjective (i.e. Intermediate, would not, in this list, be easily mistaken for one of many intermediates). –
"On the one/other hand" vs. "on the one/other side" J.R.: Yes, I didn't want to clog up the answer itself with that level of detail, but when the word "the" is part of the "the one side/hand" juxtaposed with "the other side/hand", most of the instances with "hand" are exactly OP's context, but very few of the (far less common anyway) instances of ...
"noone", "no one" or "no-one"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange "no one" is the correct one. noone is the common misspelling of "no one". "Noone" is formed for consistency with "nobody", and also its opposites "anyone" and "everyone", but it is still considered nonstandard because of the doubled vowels creating a temptation to read and pronounce it as "noon" ...
grammatical number - Which one is correct: "1yr" or "1yr." or "1 yr ... As reported by the Oxford Living Dictionaries (and similarly by the copy of the New Oxford American English that was installed on my Mac Mini) yr. is an English abbreviation, but it could be both the abbreviation of year or years, while yrs. is the abbreviation for years or yours.
What is a one word synonym for "Not Yet Started" Unstarted/Unbegun all mean that you have not started to work on tasks you have in mind. However, once they are in your folder, that means you've already started to work on them by putting them in that category and they must be either finished or discarded in the future.
English notation for hour, minutes and seconds It's not particularly common for expressions of time.. It's similar to degrees-minutes-seconds: instead of decimal degrees (38.897212°,-77.036519°) you write (38° 53′ 49.9632″, -77° 2′ 11.4678″).
grammar - walk-through, walkthrough, or walk through? - English ... I'm often mystified by this particular threefold thing as well, because my native language has only one kind of compound word. English, however, has three. Closed = walkthrough. Hyphenated = walk-through. Open form = walk through. In this case, walkthrough is the correct one.
Is "Jack of all trades, master of none" really just a part of a longer ... Furthermore if, when one hears the phrase, one often thinks of the words which tend immediately to follow it: 'Master of none', it is worth remembering the saying in fullest version: 'Jack of all trades, Master of none; though oftentimes better than master of one'. Bursars truly are practitioners ...