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Scriptol.com. Programming the Web and building RIA with XAML, PHP, Scriptol

http://www.scriptol.com otevírá se do nového okna Resources for Webmasters and Web applications programming. Ajax and RSS articles and tools for RIA. The Scriptol PHP compiler.
The Panda patent made simple Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
Simplified description of the patent 8,682,892 for ranking pages, images and other resources, assumed penalizing poor quality sites, mainly content farms.
TypeScript: transition language to the future JavaScript Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
This new language from Microsoft brings main features of ECMAScript 6 and 7, without waiting for their implementation in browsers.
C#, the Java of Microsoft Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
The C# language is easier to use than C , however, it require the runtime of .NET to run programs. You can convert you C code with no difficulty. C# was designed by Microsoft (tm) for its new .
Understanding the Panda algorithm Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
The change in the Google ranking, called Panda from the name of an engineer, impacted 11.8% of US website with poor content, not original or not very useful.
Advanced Explorer vs Windows Explorer Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
From version to version, Windows and its explorer retain the same defects, as a precious heritage.
Progress bar in HTML 5 and the HTML 4 equivalent Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
The HTML 5 Syntax: The closing tag is mandatory. This tag to see if the browser supports HTML 5. Nothing is displayed unless, but the contents of the tag.
Node.js, a new ecosystem based on JavaScript Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
This is a server written in JavaScript, but it could be much more than that.
Quotes about programming languages Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
What computer scientists, authors and programmers think of popular programming languages. All languages Algol 60 (Then taken in C) "I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement.
What can we do with SVG? Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
Best current applications achieved with SVG will show you what can be done with this standard graphical language.
Mobile programming: Native vs. HTML 5 vs. Titanium Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
Which platform to choose? The advantages and disadvantages when considering all aspects of development.
Amazing algorithms to enhance or transform images Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
List of algorithms for image processing whose level of intelligence avoids infinitely complex tasks.
Internet Explorer 10 Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
With Internet Explorer 10, Microsoft wants to develop further support for HTML 5 and CSS 3. A trial version is already available. The shadows are now supported to create widgets similar to the native components of mobile phone systems.
Future of search engines Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
For Stefan Weitz, who is leading Bing search engine:
The computer of tomorrow Otevřít odkaz do nového okna
You already hold it in the hand, its power will multiply and placed in a dock, it can connect to all devices.For most users, especially those of the Internet, the increasing power of mobile units is becoming sufficient to render the PC useless
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